You’ve probably heard of a vision board. It’s a board (or a book) filled with images and words that represent the things that you want. In essence, it’s your declaration to theUniverse of the things that you desire in your life. (To learn more about how to create avision board, check out this vlog.)
But, what do you do when the vision that you had for your life has not come to fruition (regardless of whether you put it in a vision board or book)? Maybe you had a desire to have children, a new career, or a happy relationship, to lose weight, or make more money. You’ve desired it for so long, yet you’ve been unsuccessful so far in achieving these things. In fact, as you think about these dreams that have not yet come to pass, you typically experience negative feelings, such as anger, resentment, disappointment, hopelessness, etc.
When your unmanifested dreams cause you to feel negative feelings, then it’s time to create an Un-Vision Board.
Under the principles of the Law of Attraction, it’s not your desire or longing alone that will help manifest the dream. Your desire for something sets the law in motion. However, if you don’t operate from a place of belief and expectancy that you WILL receive it, then it’s as if you’re telling the Universe, “Hey, cancel that order!”
The challenge is staying in that belief and expectancy. This challenge will be greater for some — including those who suffer from depression, those who were raised by difficult or negative people, those who are impatient, or those who have suffered great or consistent disappointments, to name a few.
Why is it challenging to stay in a place of belief and expectancy that you will receive what you are longing for? Because your mind will start to analyze the situation usingthe tools that it has — it will measure your success using time and space. It will compare you to others. If the evidence that your mind derives from this analysis is unfavorable, then you will start to harbor doubt as to whether your dream will come true.
The Law of Attraction does not operate from your mind. It operates from Spirit, which is infinitely more powerful and expansive than your mind.
The Un-Vision Board is a ritual designed to help you get a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to funnel all of the negative energy around your unmanifested dreams and release it. The purpose of the exercise is to help you get a fresh start.
Here’s how to create an Un-Vision Board:
1. Grab or create a vision board or book. If you already have a vision board or book that includes many items that have not manifested, then use it. Otherwise, spend some time finding images and words that capture your unmanifested dreams and place them on a board or in a book.
2. Energize the vision board with all of your current feelings. Get present with your feelings of disappointment, longing, grief, sadness, anger, etc., at not having these dreams come true. Allow yourself to experience your frustration and impatience. Let all of your feelings come up to the surface. As each feeling arises (good or bad), simply imagine surrendering that feeling to the vision board. By energizing the board with all of your current feelings, you are converting the board to an Un-Vision Board (remember, items on a true vision board can only manifest when you have a belief and expectancy that they will manifest).
3. Destroy the Un-Vision Board. You can tear it up, burn it, or find another way to destroy your connection to those dreams. During this process, more emotions may come up. Allow yourself to fully grieve.
4. Create a ritual. Develop a ritual to help release the pain and disappointment. Much like a funeral, this ritual is intended to be a demarcation point. It’s an opportunity to place final closure on the items that you are releasing. For example, you may choose to scatter your ashes in the river or ocean, while making a statement that you now releasethe past.
5. Breathe and start fresh. After you’ve given yourself enough opportunity to fully integrate the closure, then it’s time to start fresh. Give yourself permission to dream bigger or dream different. Know that you now have a blank canvas before you. From this new point that is free from the old negative emotional attachment, you can now create your new vision. (Yes, it’s ok to include some of the old dreams you had, PROVIDED that you have truly released the negative emotions and are emotionally at a fresh start.) More importantly, you can train yourself to stay in belief and expectancy for this new vision.
Sometimes before you can truly move forward, you have to release the past. The process of the Un-Vision Board is one way to help you grieve and get closure on unmanifested dreams. Now, your past will not hold you back.
Here’s to your new beginning!