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Without Clarity, You Fall Prey to Other People’s Agendas

Ever wonder why your life isn’t exactly where you want it to be?  Chances are it’s because you don’t have enough clarity about what you truly want.  Without clarity, you will fall prey to other people’s agendas.
You may have a general sense of what you want.  Perhaps you know you want to make more money or have a fantastic relationship.  That’s a great start, but it’s not enough. True clarity is specific.  When you are not absolutely clear about WHAT you want, WHY you want it, and HOW to get it, it becomes much easier to get persuaded by another person who has greater clarity than you.
Clarity is power.  When you are clear, you are driven by the end result.  It gives you the extra push to get you through the bumps and detours of life.  No path is without it’s pitfalls!  But, when you have clarity about exactly what you want, you can keep your eyes on the prize.  For example, during the Civil Rights Movement (the heart of which lasted 14 years!), those who were involved with the cause suffered great setbacks personally and collectively.  Yet, they had clarity — they knew that they wanted freedom and equality for all, specifically through the abolition of laws and public and private acts of racial discrimination.  This clarity allowed them to achieve their goals despite brutal acts of violence.
If you lack clarity about what you truly want or find that you are not achieving the results that you want in life, I invite you to answer the following questions to help you gain clarity:
1.  What do I REALLY want? (It’s ok to be general here.  However, answer each of the following questions separately for each listed goal.)
2.  List at least 20 words or phrases to specifically describe what it would look like to accomplish this goal (e.g., if your goal is to “find a mate,” then start describing at least 20 characteristics of this mate and how you would feel in the relationship).
3.  Why is this goal important to me?
4.  How would I feel if I achieved this goal?
5.  How would I feel if I didn’t achieve this goal?
6.  On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how much do I want this goal?
7.  What are the steps I need to take to accomplish this goal?
8.  What’s my first step?
9.  What would I be willing to sacrifice to make this happen?
10.  What are the things that I might do to sabotage my chances of achieving this goal?
The last question may come as a surprise to you.  Nevertheless, the power in clarity comes from not only knowing what you want, but how you get in your own way. Once you’re clear about your self-sabotaging ways, you can find ways to address them head-on.
It takes time to get absolutely clear.  That’s ok – don’t make it another reason to criticize yourself.  Keep asking yourself these questions.  Meditate on them.  Write them down. Revisit them after some time.  Soon, you’ll be crystal clear and manifesting things faster than ever.
May you gain absolute clarity about what you want.  Remember, the power is in the specifics.  Here’s to living life on YOUR agenda!

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